APM Problems in testing phase

Hello Gents

I have been building my UAV for last few months and I am currently at the stage where I am setting up APM with new receiver and HK*GCS to see and test between mode switching, I have been experiencing problems with inconsistant switching between diffrent modes I have tried it in CLI program and GCS station and narrowed it down to my servo's .


I use two 6g Servo's just for testing on the bench and it seems that ever time the servos are pluged in the modes struggle to switch but after unplugging the servo's everything works fine (New servo's).

I have noticed servo's chattering as well non stop.


Any Idea's of what might cause this or what Im doing wrong?


Thanx Johann   

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  • 3D Robotics
    That probably means that you have one of the older APM boards, which needs a PPM firmware upgrade. Instructions are here
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