APM to FrSky with or without extra hardware


I have seen quite a few threads about APM telemetry through MAVLink to a FrSky receiver.

There are different solutions with different needed hardware.

I have an APM 2.7 in my quad. I am using also a FrSky D8R-XP receiver (PPM) and a Taranis transmitter.

If I would like to get the APM telemetry info on my Taranis screen.

Do I need extra hardware to connect my D8R-XP receiver to the APM (JD-IOBoard or arduino)?

I have seen that for example the Pixhawk flightcontroller can be connected to the FrSky receiver with a RS232-converter.

But is this also possible with the APM, or do I also need some extra hardware like the JD-IOBoard/Arduino?

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