APM1 Development Stopped?

I have noticed that the last few releases have been too big for the APM1. I have a few questions:

Is development for the APM1 over, Do I have to go and buy a new board now? 

How long will the APM2 last before a better board is released and I have to shell out again?

What is the best release (least buggy and most features) for the APM 1?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Thanks guys

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  • The code loaded ok from the Mission Planner so it looks like I am good to go. Will I notice and difference in performance when putting my APM1 on my quad that had an APM2 before? I have moved my APM 2 to an airplane.

    Now I need to order another Ublox GPS.


    I have a APM1 that I was thinking about using again. How do I know it it’s a 2560? Is that displayed in the Mission Planner?


    Also is it compatible with the new Ublox GPS?





  • Developer

    The APM 1 can be upgraded to a 2560 and will still fly very nicely for a long time.


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