APM1 MediaTek GPS errors


As the title suggests, I have an APM1 with MediaTek GPS.

I'm using ArduCopter 2.1.7 Quad.

In the attached log file I placed the APM on my balcony and did not move it all.

I switch flight modes as follows:

  • Stabilize
  • Alt Hold
  • Stabilize
  • Loiter
  • Stabilize
  • Auto
  • Stabilize
  • RTL
  • Stabilize

Check the log,  GPS locations are all over the place.  They vary as much as 23 meters.  Some of the erros are very large spikes  

The log and KML are attached.

Can anyone help me understand these huge errors?  Are there known problems with the RealTek GPS?

Thanks in advance/

2012-08-19 12-57 1.kmz

2012-08-19 12-57 1.log

2012-08-19 12-57 1.log.gpx

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