APM1 troubleshooting

I have a APM1 with the "oil pan". It is flashed with the latests firmware from the mission planner software. My ESC's are RCTimer 30A flashed with the latest version of SimonK firmware. And my motors are RCTimer 2830-14/ 750KV. My frame is a HKx666. Props HK SF 10x4.7 (Balanced as best I can get them without a "real" balancer).

I had been using a KK2 FC which worked great, but developed a problem (at least I think IT was the problem) which prompted me to switch to another FC. So I wound up with the APM1 through a gift from a friend. 

The problem is the quad does not seem to fly as smooth as it should (certainly not as smooth as it had with the KK2 prior to it developing an "issue"). It "lurches" sporadically up and settles back down and feels slow to respond on the throttle. I have a video posted on youtube you can watch to try and see what I mean.

You may be able to hear the motors giving a slight whine/screeching sound which I understand is a timing issue, but I don't know how to address it. I've connected each motor and ESC independently to a Rx and worked the throttle up and down both slow and evenly and fasts and randomly but they all respond fine with no odd noises. It's only when connected to the APM1 do I get the low screeching.

Here's the link  APM1 Trouble Shooting

Thanks for any suggestions

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  • I also have the high pitched screeching: http://youtu.be/C2DSkT9s04k

    However, seems to loiter and fly ok? (Apart from the too-low voltage alarm which broke the legs). Should I worry?

    Vibrations are ok, and props are balanced.

    Screeching has been since day 1, do assumed it was normal.

    T-motor 3508-29's
    T-motor 1450 props
    T-motor 30A pro opto ESC's
  • FYI, newb mistake. I added some anti vibration foam to the APM1 mount and the issue has all but disappeared... 

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