
  • Hi,

    Only if you modify the APM firmware.

    APM (fortunately) uses a binary protocol MAVLink and no terminal text printing. You can get the MAVLink code in C (there's a generator in Python that will generate it all) and use that to decode MAVLink messages.

    If that is not feasible, you could configure the APM build not to do MAVLink on UART2 (called SERIAL3 some places in the code, this is a legacy name) and then add your own code that prints to that port.

    If you need an IMU with ASCII output and don'¨t need an autopilot you can look at the example sketches. One of them prints the IMU data in ASCII and never starts MAVLink. On the other hand, the autopilot (ArduPlane etc.) code is next to useless without MAVLink working. You cannot read, write or control anything over serial then.

    Oh, and the autopilot code also has a feature where you can send it 3*newline over a serial line right after boot. It will quit MAVLink and quit autopiloting, but you have a text mode terminal with some commands. One command actually dumps IMU data.



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