APM2.8 F450 wont lift/fly

My quad copter won't fly. I built my first quad and I have problem it won't lift off the ground.
It is made up of the following.
f450 frame
Lipo 2200 battery
APM2.8 board
SimonK ESC 30A
Sunnysky Angel Series A2212-13 980kv
1045 propeller

i already calibrated the esc, motor rotation and propeller also already confirmed, thr_max up to 1000, but still my quad wont lift at all.

any suggestion on parameter, pid setting or else?

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  • im having a great fly before just until im trying to remove waving video. im mount rubber foam on my motor, and now it start to act strangely..

    once i calibrate, all looks fine

    after calibrate, i try increase the thro, and all work nicely same condition like during my calibration moments. all of it stop until i put prop.. it start to act strangely. i up the thro, sometimes on the first thro up, it will rotate, but after land position, which thro down, once i increase the thro, the motor start to act seems not enough power, then i try spam power to thro, it might rotate as normally.

    it might fly too, but after fly, the motor will be hot. any idea on what happen?

    sorry if u cant understand my explanation. 

    • you need to explain more clearly. Not sure what the issue is. Also you are adding way too many things before you get the quad to fly properly. Dont add video until you fly your quad successfully with all flight modes and tune it. You are going too far ahead. 

      • i try to explain clearly..i skip to calibration part

        1: i do a esc calibration, all work smootly. as indeed

        2: i try to fly the quad, but no prop, which actually want to see the rotation of motor either it doing well or not. And yes, it doing well.

        3: i put prop, it then act strangely. 1 of the motor seems not getting power. once i spam throttle power by increasing and decrease it, it might spin, sometimes might fly too. 

        4: after fly, i check motor, the motor getting hot.

        can u understand this?

        • its soo important for you to share logs... its hard to diagnose something like this.. it can be 20 different things

          • how to choose which log should be download and be share? i have to learn about that things.. i go for read about that first

            • i notice that 1 of my esc wire is broken, so i resolder it, but after resolder, it keep beeping constantly.. did u know about this?

              motor keep beeping.mp4

              • it cant be calibrate at all too, even i set the trim down -120 on rc software

  • may i ask, just now i try the alt hold function, after my throttle increase around aprox 50%, i turn to alt hold, my quad suddenly fly up fast, is it normal? or something wrong?

    • well that could be related to prop wash effect of the quad apm FC being too close to the ground when you switch to alt hold. i recommend to take off up to about 5 meters with stabilize then switch to alt hold. 

      • oic, so this means it have to fly high before we can switch it to alt hold?i taught it high enough already, haha.. so that i switch to alt hold. i will try it tomorrow ^_^ 

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