APM2 damaged in crash

Had a bit of a bad crash yesterday, and i think the APM needs some tlc, the pins are bent on the top, and not sure what else is damaged, does anyone fancy having a go at fixing it for me? I will pay of course?

And a note to anyone flying APM2, make sure you give it plenty of input power to avoid 'brownout' issues! :-(


haven't powered it up as the pins are touching, so am going to wait until its possibly fixed before trying to see the log files.


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  • i bent the pins on mine also (also a brown out problem). i carefully straightened them with needlenose pliers. i've had no problems since. they were bent way more than yours appear to be.

  • Rich,

    I'll solder some new pins on for you if you don't need a super quick turn-around (busy this weekend). Let me know (PM me) if you don't get a better offer.


  • The pins can be straightend but care must be taken to not snap them off level with the plastic. A thin set of needle nose pliers should do the job.

    There may be pins that are redundant in some groups but I would have to look at the schematics/drawings to be certain.

    I would try straightening the pins and power it up. If truly dead, why ship it off for a burial?

    It is a shame we are not neighbors.

  • Does Anyone have 3drobotics support email address? I emailed help[@]3drobitics.com but haven't had a response?

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