Just had a horrific nose dive with my skywalker.. lots of damage, etc.. and I am trying to ascertain whether my APM2 is working.  It seems to be , it connects, telemetry works, stabalize works, etc but MP says No GPS..

I get no gps as well. however the blue GPS light seems to get lock after a few minutes outside... so Just wondering if there is anything I can look for, or do I just get an external GPS and start there..

thanks for any advice.


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  • try the test of APM2 in "cli" mode.

    go in MP Terminal TAB and when you have the prompter, type "help" or "test". You will find more details on help.

    Then you should find a complete way to test the APM2, included the barometer (you did not specify if baro is OK)

    when test in "cli", you need to be connected with USB cable, remove telemetry cable during this test.

  • Developer
    If you get a GPS lock on the ublox module (blue light flashing) The problem could just be GPS cable.
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