After cycling power to the APM2 all my PID settings are reset.
I'm using ArduPlane FW 2.66 with MissionPlanner 1.2.17 mav 1 and connecting via USB.
After changing values in the MissionPlanner and clicking 'Write Params' I can verify that the APM settings do change (confirmed through CLI). The problem is that these settings don't survive a power cycle. After cycling power and reconnecting all my settings are reverted to the defaults.
I'm new to ArduPilot so there could be missing a step. Is there something else I need to do to ensure everything gets written to non-volatile memory?UPDATE: I disabled the MissionPlanner option 'Reset APM on USB Connect' but PID settings are still reset after cycling power
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try doing a erase and reset from the cli. just to make sure the eeprom format version is set properly etc