APM2 questions



I have several questions.


Question on Kp Ki  (PI) regulator:

In this file AP_DCM.cpp is write:


#define Kp_ROLLPITCH 0.05967         // .0014 * 418/9.81 Pitch&Roll Drift Correction Proportional Gain
#define Ki_ROLLPITCH 0.00001278        // 0.0000003 * 418/9.81 Pitch&Roll Drift Correction Integrator Gain
#define Kp_YAW 0.8                     // Yaw Drift Correction Porportional Gain   
#define Ki_YAW 0.00004                 // Yaw Drift CorrectionIntegrator Gain


How can I find the best Kp and Ki for Pitch&Roll and Yaw?

What method (calcul) I must to do for find the best Kp and Ki?

I need someone to explain step by step for this method.


Why the Kp_ROLLPITCH value and Kp_YAW value is different?

It is because dt (Time) for Kp_ROLLPITCH = 50Hz and  Kp_YAW = 10Hz?


If I use different kind of gyroscope(ITG-3200, L3G4200D, LYPR540AH, and other), I can use the same Kp and Ki values for each kind of gyroscope?


Question on DCM vs quaternion approach:


What is good and not good in the DCM approach?

What is good and not good in the quaternion approach with Mahony paper?



Thank you


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