
Hello to All,

I need help from you all to figure out why my APM based copters are having unstable altitude hold (in all mode that used barometer). I am having the exact same problem on my APM based tricopter, as well as CX20. Both have the APM2.5 controller, with Campus located on the stand. As soon as I put the copters in Althold mode, it goes 1+ meter up and down. If going down (or up) and upon my reaction of throttle up (or down) it does obey the commend but as soon as I bring the throttle to mid, it again becomes unpredictable. 

A very interesting thing to note is that I am located in KUWAIT and have been facing this trouble on both copters for 6+ months now. However, couple of months ago when I took one of the copters to Pakistan, all of a sudden the althold became perfectely stable. I was there for almost a month in many cities, and the atlhold was simply perfect. As soon as i came back to Kuwait, the very same copter has been facing the Althold issues. 

I have tried resetting, upgrading firmware etc.. but nothing works. I have pasted the screen shot of the logs above there for some one to help and guide..

THanks in advance..

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