just spent hours trouble shooting my new apm 2.6 with 3dr robotics. firmware 3.2.1 will not download logs using mavlink.. tried downgrading then upgrading back to 3.2.1 with no luck.. must be something wrong or a bug.. everything works fine, just not the logs...
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awsome. thanks
That's tough luck Keith. I recently ran into some strange issues myself. Even as strange as not being able to delete my old logs. In the end I performed a direct command to delete all the logs. I think there could be some hold up before the normal delete command is actually entered.
Anyway, deleting all the logs happened to be a cure all for me. Hope you find an answer!
please explain how to do that..thanks
It's probably easiest if I just make it a button on the DF tab under the HUD. I should have it uploaded by the end of the day. You can download it here... http://www.event38.com/Articles.asp?ID=270