ardu 35 test.. but.. yaw?? :((

upload from AMP. ver 35.

test on 3 board, 3 frame,3 remote and 3 rx

1. quad copter 28cm /arm, motor 1000kv 2820, prop 10x45,default PID

2. quad copter 40cm/arm,motor 1000kv 2820, prop 10x45,change IMAX from 50 to 100 default PID

3. hexacopter 28cm.arm, motor 2830 850kv,prop 10x45. change IMAX from 50 to 20 P=3.5 all default


hover is stable.

hold atl is more good. (test on hexa only)

hold pos lock about 30sec. and drift go back never go forward  to lock position. (test on hexa only)


try to fast moving forward and left/right. yaw is crazy (the problem is same on all of  frame)

hire the video quad copter 28cm


i attach the log for quad copter 28cm

some one can help me?

20-07-11 11-15

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  • try again.

    reupload from amp about 1 hour ago.

    ->1st setup.(deafult PID)

    auto level (arm 20sec)

    landing and disarm.

    fly and test fast moving. about 1 battrey (5min) no yaw problem.

    change new batre. fly ... fasrt moving.. no yaw problem

    go to hold atl mode(fly about 3 meter) no sonar. QC have osilation about 50-100cm. but same time qc fast go up..about 0.5sec (no stick controll)

    go to stable mode moving... no problem..

    go to atl mode.. osilation up and down. same time fast go up. and spin 180 degre and lock.. (no stick controll) :(

    21-07-11 12-26
  • @u4eakei have update you can check 20-07-11 11-15

    i have no touch the trotle and ruder stick. just pitc and roll stick.

    the qc is spin on when i go fast moving

  • jason this is my last log.

  • Developer

    Your video is private. Can you change that?



  • hello... any body here???
  • 3D Robotics
    Are you in Simple or Stabilize mode? Yaw doesn't matter in Simple mode.
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