Ardu IMU V2



I just uploaded the ArduIMU_1.8.2 code in the received IMU V2 board with the user-modifiable options set to run with the demo programs on the bench.

I ran the demo program, during LEDs flashing with the board still for the initialization. The problem is that if I turn the board about 0.5 degrees like a pitch or roll movement, the values (and models - cube/airplane) moves a lot (tens of degrees).



I take a look in the videos that present the IMU new version (ArduIMU V2 (DCM version) Demo). By comparing my board test with that video presentation, my board is changing the angle values 10 times or more faster. It appears higlhy sensitive. Any movement appears that is scaling a lot. 0.5 degrees become 150 degress. On HK test program, the values goes out of scale (out of the limits of the window border)

I didn't change any gain value and the environment temperature is about 27 degrees during the test today.

I suppose pitch and roll must work ok even without GPS lock, right?



Could be a defective board? What need I to do to have it working well?


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  • Chris,

    WHat happens if you loose GPS in flight?
  • 3D Robotics
    The new version of the ArduIMU code doesn't work without GPS lock. If you're not using it outside, try 1.7 instead.
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