Arducopter 2.42: Can it handle radio Trims?


I know that this topic has been probably covered in other posts, but now that I'm flying Arducopter comfortably(from a stability perspective)I’m trying to understand why radio trims are ‘bad’. The reason I say that is that although the auto-trim feature introduced in later versions of the code kind of helps trim the slight imbalances in our frames, the airframes will never always be in 100% CG least from my limited experience I don't think I've ever managed to fit my battery in the frame in the exact same place every time. I'd like to be able to trim with the remote if I don't have access to a windless environment. I wonder if v2.42 ignores radio trims when it enters into the auto-pilot sort of modes(loiter or RTL)? I thought I read somewhere on this forum that when entering into these modes the software considers the trimmed radio positions as the new centers, can anyone confirm this?

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  • just an update, I've done some testing with simple mode on 2.42 and it seems when switching modes the trimmed radio positions are considered to be the new centers...not sure why it says on the wiki that trims have negative effects in simple mode, also not sure if the same applies to the other modes. Can anyone please confirm?

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