Version 2.5 of the ArduCopter code is now available in the AP Mission Planner and in the downloads area!
- The first ArduCopter code release optimized for the APM 2. Leans and drift should be much reduced or even eliminated for most users. This was accomplished through a number of core improvements to the DCM implementation by Tridge like this one and this one.
- Loiter and waypoint following should be improved due to a D term bug fix, some tuning and the improved DCM performance mentioned above.
- On start-up, the yaw heading is updated with first successful mag read (so you should no longer see the slow rotation from north to your actual heading).
- Increased output rate to ESCs to 490hz. This update rate is also user selectable using the new RC_SPEED parameter.
- hexa copter stability patch bug fix (should resolve slight flattening when pitching forward and accelerating very rapidly).
- improved baro filtering
- fix to dataflash logging of Mag heading
- addition of H1 swash plate type and bug fix for proactive yaw compensation for collective pitch changes for TradHelis.
The default PIDs are optimized for a 3DR/Jdrones quad with 850 motors and 10" props. If you're using more powerful motors/props, start by turning down Rate Roll P in 25% steps.
While some testers have reported very good flights with the default PIDs, some have reported that this release is a little "sharper" due to the DCM improvements and have found they needed to:
reduce stabilize P by 10% (i.e. 4.5 -> 4.2)
reduce stabilize D by 30% (i.e. 0.15 -> 0.10)
increase rate D from 0 to 0.001
Tuning loiter can be tricky. Refer to the discussions which will appear below for more community feedback on what parameters work best.
Please post your feedback in this discussion. For enhancement requests and bug report, please add them to the arducopter issues list. When possible please include logs (tlog and/or dataflash) and tell us whether you're using APM1 or APM2 and what version of the software you're using (presumably 2.5 but tell us anyway!).
Thanks for this release go to the developers (both in the core team but also those who have provided bug fixes through the issues list) and also the community members who participated in the previous release thread and provided some great detailed information in the form of issue reports and logs which allowed us to nail some bugs!
Just a quick thank-you note. Took 2.5.4 out flying today on my custom heavy 1.8kg Hexa, 1000kv Motors, and APM2.
PIDs standard apart from slightly reduced (-0.1) rate-P and stab-P.
Despite gusting 25-30km winds, flying was awesome. First time where I flew all my three 5000mA batteries empty without a glitch. Stable, Simple, Alt-hold, Loiter, Auto with 4 waypoints all worked great.
The only two small issues are that in fast (stable and alt mode) forward flight, the Hexa looses altitude slightly as well as that the RPMs on auto-take-off in auto-mode are not enough to get it off the ground. Any advice on what parameters might improve this ?
Here a short video. The high-shots are all in Loiter-Auto mode in strong wind as I could not see the Hexa properly against the sun.
Labour Day flying at Taipei TSA Airport
Thanks for making all this fun flying possible!
Yesterday I tested the 2.5.4 version, the first test near the ground with the sonar and the second test at 30m from the ground (baro) , unfortunately we see in the video just the first test because I had no battrie for cam, altitude hold and loiter works very well on this release, generaly my quadro stay in a box of 1m in both test.
this my setup
defaut PID
APM 1, 1280
Esc Hobbyking blue serie 30A
10X 4.7
frame gaui 500x
Since 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 I have the problem that the barometer alt hold is bad (sonar is fine). As soon as the hexa gets out of sonar range, it switches to barometer and starts to jump agressively up and down. With the hexa on the ground, no engines spinning, but fully powered up, I can see the altitude reading in Missionplanner jump up and and down by +/- 4 feet, rapidly (and the hexa tries to correct for it) (I'm testing this with the hexa up side down to ensure sonar is out of range by pointing at the sky).
(FYI: the barometer is covered as suggested, but that should not make a difference on the ground).
Do I need to erase the old version from my board before loading the new version. If so, how do I do that?
I have hexa APM1, v2.5.3, 850kv motors (jdrones) and 10x4.5 props, weight about 2kg with battery and camera.
It flyes ok but loitter, auto, RTL.. needs better params.
Can someone send hexa params in this forum?
Timo K
Yesterday i was on the field with my Flyduspider Hexa with the 2.5.4.
Ive Keda 20-26M Motors, HK 20A BlueSeries ESCs and 8 x 4,5 Props.
I tested some Stuff, formaly the Stabilize Mode. But, its the old problem. I cant get it stable. Its not really a wobble, its more like a "hard shaking". Tests with some PID Changes are not working. Maybe im not the "PID man"..:/
Maybe someone can look at my log, so i have an idea, what ive to do.
2012-04-29 20-47 5.log
Hi Norman,
Thank you for the tip. I am new to quadcopter and have loaded the new version of apm planner.
regards Pierre.
P.S. I should read all the the tips on the forum more often. thank again
Hi all,
After a few weeks without flying I upgraded from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 yesterday. My last flight on 2.5.3 was very good. My first flights on 2.5.4 have shown sudden rapid changes in pitch and roll (seen on log) while in slow hovering flight, enough to crash depending on altitude (1 to 2 meters there's sometimes enough time to recover).
I realise that this may be motor brownout and the new version could be coincidence.
Flying APM2 standard 3DR frame 880kv motors, 12x4.5 props. Default PID except for Rate P which I have reduced to 0.10 (in flight tuning on 2.5.3) - have yet to tune anything else.
Could this conceivably be software / PID related?
Is there any way to see motor brownout on the logs? Do the default logs include APM output to the ESC's or user control input? The roll/pitch input on the current logs certainly don't match the sudden pitching of the quad.
I have attached a log of this mornings very short flight, the major roll/pitch is clearly visible.
Then also a general question on logs. When is a log started and ended? Is this determined by throttle min and max or by the arming of the motors?
2012-04-28 10-46 17.log
today I tested 2.6b again on my tricopter.
After some fligt in AUTO mode tricopter went creazy to roll and falling down of course.Then it fall down to ground.
When I looked into log there is it:
Nearly above the ground I tried to switch mode to STAB, but it didn'tt help. Can somebody hint what happened?
I can't now eliminate HW (one of ESC or motor) failure, because have no radio at home, will do tommorw.
2012-04-26 21-26 5.log
Just looking at one question which I generally see is skipped.
"When is DMP coming. What is the performance difference. Will it make arducopter quad fly as good as a DJI or Mk"