
  • I see in Mission Planner that Heli 3.1 is now out. Is there a link that I might be able to read up on it? Is there much of a change between 3.01 and 3.1? 

  • I've tried 3.1 on my PX4 yesterday but I have an issue of s-bus and s-bus2 not reconized with this firmware, just rolled back to 3.01

  • No, I haven't tested it yet.  I am waiting for my changes to be merged in.

    It will be interesting to see if auto tune works on helis.  It is working very well on most multi's, but not all.  I have a quad that it cannot tune.  There's just something about it, maybe the frame is too soft.  It makes the rate response very non-linear.  Helicopters are also non-linear in their rate response. Also, autotune isn't designed at all to work with the Rate FeedForward that we have.  Another complication.

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