
ArduCopter-3.2.1 Beta Testing

ArduCopter 3.2.1-rc2 (release candidate #2) has completed beta testing and has been released as the official version available through the mission planner and other ground stations.

Changes from AC3.2 are listed below and in the ReleaseNotes:
1) Enhancements:
    a) reduced twitch when passing Spline waypoints
    b) Faster disarm after landing in Auto, Land, RTL
    c) Pixhawk LED turns green before arming only after GPS HDOP falls below 2.3 (only in flight modes requiring GPS)
2) Safety Features:
    a) Add desired descent rate check to reduce chance of false-positive on landing check
    b) improved MPU6k health monitoring and re-configuration in case of in-flight failure
    c) Rally point distance check reduced to 300m (reduces chance of RTL to far away forgotten Rally point)
    d) auto-disarm if vehicle is landed for 15seconds even in Auto, Guided, RTL, Circle
    e) fence breach while vehicle is landed causes vehicle to disarm (previously did RTL)
3) Bug Fixes:
    a) Check flight mode even when arming from GCS (previously it was possible to arm in RTL mode if arming was initiated from GCS)
    b) Send vehicle target destination in RTL, Guided (allows GCS to show where vehicle is flying to in these modes)
    c) PosHold wind compensation fix
    d) prevent infinite loop with do-jump commands pointing at each other
    e) pixhawk memory corruption fix when connecting via USB
    f) vehicle stops at fence's alt limit in Loiter, AltHold, PosHold (as it did in AC3.1.5)
    g) protect against multiple arming messages from GCS causing gyro calibratoin failure

Thanks to Raph for the video.  This is actually a video from AC3.2 until we have one specific to AC3.2.1.

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  • Will UAVCAN GPS be supported in this latest update?

    • Developer


      I'm pretty sure UAVCAN GPS is not supported in AC3.2.1.  It's in master I believe so I think it will show up with AC3.3.

  • On my pixhawk, after updating from 3.2 to 3.2.1 Copter, I'm seeing INS_PRODUCT_ID value of 0.


    Is this something to be concerned about?

    • Developer


      Thanks for the report.

      We've found and fixed this problem.  It doesn't affect how the accelerometers/gyros are used or scaled so I'm not planning to push out a special release for this but it'll go out with the next release which I expect will be AC3.3.

      • Thank you!

      • Problem is that mission planner is not showing the correct options when ins = 0. Like I'm missing serial 2 descriptions, poshold flight mode is not showing and logging options. I hope I'm not alone on this one.
        • Developer


          I'd be very surprised if the mission planner issue was related to the INS_PRODUCT_ID being incorrectly set.  It's much more likely that the description file that the mission planner is using (on your machine) are out of date for some reason.  I've heard this a few times and it's always been unrelated to the firmware on the vehicle (and thus out of my control).

          Could you try, on the mission planner, pressing Ctrl-F and then press the "Param gen" button, wait a few minutes and then restart the mission planner?

          I've brought this issue up wih MichaelO, I hope he will find the cause.

          • I'm sorry but I did that, more than once but your "wait a few minutes ", I did not. Thank you, problem is solved. I did uninstall and re-install mission planner and that didn't solve :S

            Oh well. Thank you for "making me wait" :) No need to bother MichaelO !!

  • I may have found a bug in autotune.

    I completed a successful autotune run. I checked the PIDs it saved on the (windows 8) tablet. When I got home, I compared the values after connecting to dump the log, and discovered the issue in the picture.. stabilize pitch P was reset to the original value.



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