Arducopter 3dr PLEASE help


I have an Arducopter 3dr frame and just got the APM2 loaded everything up but am having trouble getting it to fly it wants to go off at an angle instead off straight up


Read the instructions on the wiki but having trouble please help as i would love to fly this, as im a total newbie it would be brilliant.





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  • anyone please help me with setting up my turnigy switches si can set more then one flight mode at the moment i have channel five working on one switch.

    Really confused by how program the turnigy to use a different switch or more then one switch ??? please help


  • Update to this:---

    reattached all cables, made sure level etc and....... lifted perfectly :) but..... i think my settings on the radio are wron because I am syre they need reversing as I tried to hover for a while (2secs) but then tried to move seemed to be moving in the wrong directions - ending up coming towards me then I moved it quickly into a fence :( broke one one the props... so ordered a few more..

    But happy actually getting  it to  take off and sort of land....thanks for the replies deff helped..


  • Moderator

    What Dany said. And also, make sure your frame is mostly balanced/centered. Moving your battery or having one arm that is too heavy just makes it harder, so if you can get things mostly balanced to start with, it is easier. 

    And make sure you level properly on startup. If your horizon is not level, or if your quad is not balanced, it has the same effect... it will run away (usually in the same direction) The auto trim helps overcome this, but it works better if your motors are all level (no bent arms, or on-angle props/motors) your APM has a good level, and your craft is well balanced. 

    Another important idea for new fliers ... when you are very low to the ground, you'll get a lot of ground effect. As scary as it is, try to get at least three feet off the ground quickly (if you can do it without crashing or racing your quad into a nearby bystander) and you'll have better flight characteristics, usually. 


  • Distributor

    channel 7 auto level trim is the way to go: 



    1) assign Autotrim to CH7 with the planner (and to a 2 position switch in your tx)

    2) at the ground switch on/off the autotrim function and see if the led with autotrim enabled start to "rotate" (not the normal led blinking function)

    3) takeoff with autotrim off in windless condition, still your quad in the air and switch on autotrim and try to mantain your quad in the same position with a little stick movements,remembering that you have to make the correction and then back to center stick (not the throttle, lol) to see how he is placed in air... when you quad is firm enough switch off the autotrim function, land and disarm the motors

  • Calibrate your ESCs but mine never seem to take off 100% straight up. I have to adjust it slightly as it comes up but it's better once its a few feet off the ground.


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