
Arducopter Advertising Video

Here is a video I whipped up last night.. Hope everyone enjoys. I'm posting it over on RCGroups in my build log thread.Fully customizable btw, This and more could be used for discounts for my ardupilot kit to get me started. I said in the other thread I can make some 1080p videos for advertising but I need to get my Ardupirate Hexacopter off the ground first.


Watch in 1080p. Comments welcome.






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  • Moderator

    Argh.. Thats the problem. I'm in the midst of getting all of my parts together..  The best I can do is guarantee it right now. I've got a D300, Panasonic TM700 and a Canon S95 here waiting to do some flight videos of it flying as well as onboard. I do agree its just a list of options with an explosion at the end right now.


    If someone can link me to some high res video of flight I can add it in to it all. I would need permission from the creator to use it though.


    Side Note: I've got a 2d vinyl cutter here as well for some stickers :P Gotta love having a wife who loves to scrapbook!

  • It's more like an animated feature list. There's no actual Arducopter shown. What is it? Why does it need gyroscopes and wireless commands? Judging by the video it's probably some sort of an elaborate remotely-commanded gasoline explosion detonator kajigger, right? Also half the video is pitch black, someone in your film editing department needs a talking to.


    A set of flight videos and epic viewing angles are desperately needed here! Then it will be fitting and good.

  • F A N S T A S T I C!!
    well done!
  • 3D Robotics
    That's awesome! Now just add some cool flight video and I'll give you all the discounts you need...
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