Hi Guys


I seem to have a problem with me copter  and I cant put my finger on it, I have built a few Quads before and have had no problem with them but my own copter for some reason has given me problems for past few months now, I first loaded the 2.37 beta on my Quad and had problems with the right motor not reacting to any movement of the quad, ended up replacing motor, ESC,and resoldering the port on the PDB still had a problem, then I tried a 4S 5000mah pack just for the heck of it, and the problems was at the end ? that ment it was probably a bad battery and I order new battery packs for my copter, recieved them and used them with no problem after that. since then i have updated on weekly bases and the problem has returned.! this time I tried three different battery packs and the problem still presisted. Im currently flying .45 code base and have some reaction out of the right motor BUT when launching the copter spin up and takes of in a direction of its own(probably due to underperformance of the right motor) any thought of what it can be and what to check ? I tried two different APMs aswell same problem. still using 1280 board


thanx in advance.


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  • Developer


    Did you tried motor test ? (CLI, setup, motors). Is it ok ?


    then i would try to connect your faulty ESC / Motor directly to receiver Ch3, and if possible connect another good ESC / motor with a Y cable and compare.


    If this test is right, then you certainly have a wiring problem, or a ground loop somewhere. Eventually try to use a BEC to power the APM instead of the ESC BEC (disconnect all red wires of ESCs if you try this).


    If this still does not work, i would take the right motor / esc and exchange it with left motor / esc to isolate the problem.

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