Arducopter - first flight

Hi all,

yesterday I had my first flight with my Arducopter-powered Quadcopter. It worked pretty much ok, although I had a slight "wobbling" effect during flight.

You can see this effect in the video:

What would you say - is this simply a tuning problem with the Ardupilot (PID settings) or is there something wrong?

Many thanks and all the best,


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  • Developer

    Yeah, It's a tuning problem.

    Turn down rate_roll_P / rate_pitch_P to .18 and rate_pitch_D / rate_roll_D to .04.

    Lower Rate P until you're happy. Basically it's overcorrecting..


  • ...could the problem be related to the fact, that I used velcro to mount the Ardupilot? Could this lead to vibrations which might explain the shown behavior? Or is it only a matter of PID settings?



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