arducopter gps navi

I'm planning to start building a arduquad soon but i see that gps navigation is coming soon thats the main reason i want to build one is this something thats coming very soon or in beta or should i look for an alternate controller?

if alternate any suggestions?

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  • Developer
    Well ArduCopter will have navigation soon. We already have beta position hold and after that works ok we can easily move towards full navigation. To have a navigation first you need to have really good stable flight and that is one reason why AeroQuad does not yet have GPS hold. Ted is still working to get AeroQuad stable, he's Acro mode works great and we are using similar method on ArduCopter. Made by Ted too..

    Sure there are many other choices too but how many of those are open and really active? If you want to have it immediately and a system that has evrything. Then you need to look Mikrokopter (starting from 1500 USD), Microdrones (start 20000).
  • just noticed the aeroquad team didnt have gps navi either.... hmmmmm this is kinda discouraging.... i like the stability and indoor use of the quad but need gps, thats reason i dont go ardupilot with a cheap airframe....

    but i want to do photogeomapping (sp?) so really need that gps navi... any suggestions?
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