Arducopter Green Light Just Flashes

Spent hours at my local Hackspace last night configuring everything ready for my arducopters maiden flight. Got to the point where we'd done everything but we just couldnt get the arm/disarm to work (the green A light just flashed continously no mater what you did with the stick)


This evening at home I powered it up and YES...a solid green light. I picked up the controller did the arm/disarm things and it was arming/disarming fine and lifting the throttle made the rotors move. had it working for half an hour. Not flying as it still needs adjustment but almost.


I disconnected the battery & reconnected it and it's back to the same...the green light flashes..arm/disarm does nothing.


Anyone got any ideas?

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  • Developer
    Have you calibrated your ESC's ??? You can do that from CLI. Then we know that those all are working.
  • Couple of thoughts. Check out the wiki on the LED sequence. If your green light is flashing, it means the motors are armed, not disarmed. A solid green light means it is not armed. You actually want a green light flashing (this is the green light on the IMU by the way, not the APM). Knowing this sequence will help with debugging (also make a mental note of the difference between Acro and Stable, you will need to remember this until you get used to it on your transmitter).

    Try recalibrating your transmitter with the configurator (and make sure your trims are all set to zero when you calibrate). If your transmitter is not calibrated properly, then the ARM command (min throttle and max yaw to the right) will not be read by the software and it will not arm the motors..

    Hope that helps.
  • left it disconnected from the battery for half an hour...went back to it and its working again...weird



    ....and its fozen again arrrrgghhhh!

  • i should add that when i connect the battery a, b and c lights flicker for a moment then a (green) flashes continously. I have noticed that after about 5 minutes it does go solid for a while but this seems to make no difference..armin/disarmin does nothing. 
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