I am having issues getting my ArduCopter working.  Here is my setup:

APM Oilpan version Hotel 1.0

APM v1.0

Ublox GPS

RC2 Code


No Magnometer


It appears that the artificial horizon is not correct.  It drifts in both pitch, roll and yaw.  I have the dip switch settings with position 1 down an 2,3,4 up to fly in + mode.  SW2 on the board is set to 1.  I have tried multiple code versions and nothing seems to stabilize the artificial horizon.


Here is a video of the issue in the configurator.  Please note that the quad is sitting flat the entire time.  The horizon slowly moves, but when I flip back to the page with the accelerometer reading the values are steady.



It appears that the accelerometer values are not being used in the DCM???


Please help...

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  • accelerometer Z value should be around 408, not 0

    check that, it should work


    /edit: yes, like Hyon said

  • Plase check the offset of the sensors.

    Pitch, roll offset must be zero, z-axis value : 408 is proper.

    You should adjust offset.

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