ArduCopter Software Project

Hey Guys,

My project is to build a quadcopter platform I will be able to completely re-program using arduino for various tasks. It was going to be carrying a GoPro and Gimble, and was wondering what you all thought of the setup I was thinking of purchasing. Anything look like its not quite going to work or anything I am missing? I was about to order it all and wanted to check its validity. 

- Tarot Ironman 650 Frame

- APM 2.6+ 

- 3DR Power Module

- 3DR Battery, Charger and Distributor

- 3DR 20A ESC

- 2x EMAX MT2808 CW Brushless Motor

- 2x EMAX MT2808 CCW Brushless Motor

- 11x47 Props

- Turnigy 9x RC

Does this seem like an appropriate setup? Anything else I will need to purhcase? Thanks so much for your input.

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