Arducopter Tricopter yaw issue

Hi everyone,  This is my first post...


I have my Arducopter configured as a tricopter and I have loaded the latest AC2.0.40 Beta firmware using the APM Planner and am using the default PIDS. 

When the flight mode is set to stable, I notice (both on the ground and in the air) that I my yaw motor does not travel the same range when inputing a full stick right. I have a bout a 20 degree deflection to the left, and only about 5-10 degrees to the right.  This has the effect of a very slow yaw in one direction in flight.


The second issue is with the yaw not centering.   If the yaw stick is moved slowly back to center, the yaw motor does not level out entirely, causing the aircraft to continue yawing whilst in flight.  This issue is corrected If I centre the yaw stick with a hard left, right  and centre on the yaw stick.  If I adjust yaw TRIM to about 75% to the right, the centering issue goes away, however the aysmetrical yaw travel issue is still present.    


The above two issues are not present in the acro mode.


Thanks for any help.






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