ArduCopter versions - ATmega or ARM


I am new to this forum and would like to study the classic helicopter control code. It seems there are four ArduCopter versions. When I browse the git repository ( I can see only one version. What are the differences between the versions ? Is there some reference on that subject ?

Also I wonder whether it is better to use an Atmel base board or the new ARM one ? It seems that the main loop is 4x faster on the later one, but will I benefit from that. Providing the HAL, one will not get more functions with the ARM processor. Considering the board prices and the added complexity of the nuttx layer, I wonder whether the new board is the good choice.

Thanks a lot

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  • What do you mean by "four versions"?

    No question, you should get an ARM system (Pixhawk). The Atmel system is EOL, and will not be developed further.  There are also other advantages to using Pixhawk, you can log more data, use more functions, etc.  

    • I was referring to the forum categories. Thought helicopter mode was 2.X version only. May be the category ought to be renamed to "ArduCopter (traditional heli)" to avoid the confusion.

  • OK thanks a lot. I will go to ARM board.

  • Developer

    Definitely it's better to go for the ARM boards (i.e. Pixhawk).  AC3.2 is the final version for the APM and already the ARM boards can support a few more features.

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