Arducopter WIKI instruction manual PDF download

#texts #pictures #bookmarks #links #videos

Ive put together a manual from the Arducopter wiki site for myself and would like to share with the community,
Can be used for offline use, easy printing and for those who build quads and sell them ((for there customers) putting on CD or other device)) pages are time stamped as wiki is constantly updating.

PDF Text/Pics Arducopter-v03022015 38mb
PDF Text/Pics/Vids Arducopter-v09022015 831mb

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  • Really nice download,

    Good to see many of the pages I wrote still in there (vibration damping for instance).

    Probably need to update this eventually to cover new capabilities of Pixhawk and flight modes.

    Best regards,

    Gary McCray

  • Downloaded.  Many thanks!

  • How can you download the website to pdf. :D can you share arduplane also ? or can you tell how can i download :D

    • i used Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 

  • Downloading!! Thaaaanksss!!!!

    • greaaaaaat

      it should be available on original wiki


    PDF Text/Pics/Vids Arducopter-v09022015 831mb

  • Many thanks Ge    :)

    • Ive figured out how to get the videos working i will update when i get some free time!

  • Great GeD were  I fly I don't have internet most of times, but is usefull to have the manual near, sometimes I think to do something like this but I never did it, now you save me time THAAAANK'S 

    Were can we download it?

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