Folks I finished re-wiring my arducopter last weekend and just wanted to share a photo as I am particularly pleased with the final routing scheme. This may be how everybody has done this but who knows perhaps it may help someone with their first build. I have seen some variability in build approaches which is why I like this group. Plenty of good ideas and innovation. As an engineer I like to be precise and improve reliability.
One thing I just came across is optocoupler connectors for the ESC to APM signal from a German company YGE as a cheaper option instead of using actual opto ESCs. I hope to give these a try in the near future.
I have had some more time to tidy up the wiring on my arducopter quad while sorting out some motors issues. So I have posted up a photo of the top side of the quad. Might be useful for new builders as a reference. Dany will probably want to see an after photo of this in a few months too :-)
Very clean wiring indeed !
I wonder how your sonar alt_hold will perform. If you're not getting a smooth sonar alt hold, try mounting the sonar away from the esc's like other already said. Here you can read why :
I would be curious how your althold performs with your sonar mounted as it is.
Very neat! But I'd suggest mounting the sonar further from the body, as shown in the manual.
Looks good! mine used to look a bit like this when it was "new"... hehe
now after many abuse and repairs it is no more clean.
Questions for you... why the velcro under the ESC?
I now mount my ESC on the dome side, they are a bit further from the PDB and they get more air to cool them...
Sonar cable doesn't look like it is shielded... you may want to improve that before flying...
Otherwise. GREAT job! post another picture of the side if you can.
Oh and remember to post another picture in 3 months from now... I bet it will have changed a lot! :)