Arducopter + Xbee/Zigbee


I was wondering if anyone tried to build a remote control that uses an Xbee[1] instead of Radio Frequency to send movement commands to the Arducopter. Me and two friends are interested in building one, could some one point us in the right direction?


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  • Hi Carlos,

    Did you  find out any instructions to do it?

  • I am working on building the arducopter and have to be able to send wireless commands from my laptop to it (like fly to a GPS coordinate-->hover for 30 sec's-->land for 10secs-->fly home-->etc). Eventually I want to be able to send it on these "missions" from an android app. I have not had experience integrating wishields and found these instructions: but they are for aeroquad. Would they be the same for the arducopter? How would it be different? Any resources greatly appreciated.

  • Hi I have tried, but for some unknown reason after running @115200 bps for some time, the zigbee module will hang and stop transmitting from APM , setting to 57600 bps have no issue. Hope this helps .
  • shouldn't be a problem
    you have to read in the commands over serial (modify the code)
    you still need an ground sided PC or Arduino (or another controller)
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