
Hi Jason


I followed "your" ArduCopterMega code in the last weeks and I would like to load it. Could you plaese give me a short description of the functionality I can test. It would be great if you could add a .txt to the trunk with that information and also mention "ready to test" and "avoid". 




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  • Developer

    Hi Christof, 


    Yeah, It's constantly evolving. Maybe after this weekend I'll give you a heads up with what you can test. I broke a few things the other day and I need to get on those tomorrow.



  • Developer


        It's not really ready for beta testers yet...kinda 'alpha' testing at the moment.  It's changing quite a bit so at any point something could be broken.  So if you want to try ACM it's very much 'at your own risk' I'd say.  I think if too many people tried to fly it right now, we would just be overwhelmed with error reports and responding to them that we couldn't actually get the code finished!

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