I receive my ArduIMU today and it worked well when I connect it to a my pc using a sparkfun ftdi interface through a usb port and HAppyKillMore software.
I obtain a slow rotating cube and each time I select a serial terminal, I can saw the leds blinking in sequence.
I connect a ublox based gps unit, put both units at the window and after a couple of minutes, the gps got a lock (led blinking stating that the gps was transmitting NMEA sentences) but the blue led stay off.
I decide then to upload the last arduimu code from the repository (1.7) but was unable to finish successfully the fw uploading using arduino ide v18.
Every attempt I did had as result a error message:
I search diydrones forums and Internet and found nothing meaningful except a page from someone using arduino with the same error message that solve the issue by using AVRISP mk II (I own one) to reset the atmel fuses.
Now, anybody here had a similar problem??
Someone know a easier solution to solve this problem??
Is my Arduimu board toasted?
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I have not seen this error yet, it may not be writing / reading properly to AT368.
Since you have AVRISP mk II, maybe reload boot loader ? Then reload ArduIMU 1.7 and see if that works.