Hello All

This is my first post.

Thanks for a great forum.  I have searched through but have been unable to find my answer, so i hope somebody can help me

I have several helicopters (no auto flight control system) and a quad (using KK2.1) and i wish to measure vibration within my models whilst flying.

I have purchased an ArduIMU V3 as i thought it would work, but even reading through the wiki i am not sure if it will.

I have played with Arduino and accelerometers but am getting no where fast.

I wish to have a device that is able to measure vibration from two places within one flying model and record the data to sd card or to a chip and then be able to study the vibration within say Excel

If the ArduIMU V3 is able to measure and record the data, i don't mind buying another one so i would be able to get my two measurements. This there code out there already that I can load onto the IMU to do this?

Else if anybody has used an Arduino with 2 acceleormeters and a data recorder can you point in in the right direction.

Many Thanks


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  • HI, I think this can easily be done with the ArduimuV3 and the SparkFun OpenLog SD Card (Dev-09530).  You will need to take the existing code for the V3 and pretty much strip out everything except the reading of the raw xyz accel values.  Then write the data out to the OpenLog SD card device.  You would probably want to put several push buttons as inputs to the V3 to start and stop the recording of data to the SD card.  You will probably need to do some kind of calibration of the accels to get the offset values and store them in the EPROM of the V3.

    • Hi AI did you mean to attach something or did you mean buy a openlog and try stripping the code
    • Thanks AI

      thanks for the info, and your time.

      I am not a coder so all of what you have said is way above my level, but thanks any way.

      • Hi Andrew, have you managed to download the Arduimu V3 code and run it?  Did you see any serial output?  If you have gotten that far, then it I think you can do it.

        • Hi AI

          Yes can see all the data in the serial window.

          • Give this a try.


            • ignore my other comment i viewed your reply on mobile phone and could not see the attachment.

              Your code looks like it can be configured.  

              I have view some vids today on saving to sd card.

              As the vibrations that i will be measuring will be small in size and happening quickly can your code be adjusted for this.

              In the vids about the sd card some say that the data should go into eeprom first and then onto sd card as writing to sd card is slow.

              I have so much to read and learn, this is so much harder the plumbing and heating.



              • Here's a link that may help you concerning this board.


                • Hi AI

                  Many thanks for that

                  By accident i found this all in one unit


                  What do you think, it may save me a  lot of trouble and the price looks good.  I could take out the twin batteries and put something smaller.  It not ideal due it its size but it may work for me.


                  • Andrew, the element14 link did not work for me.  BTW, the ArduImu has a 3-axis accelerometer, 3 axis gyro and a 3 axis magnetometer.  Everything you need to get roll, pitch yaw orientation of the board.

                    Once you have this board spitting out data to the serial window on your computer, you can connect an OpenLog unit to the same connector you used to program it and have the same data written to the SD card.

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