ArduIMU V3 + MT3329

I have loaded ArduiIMU_1.9 using arduino 23 and things seem to be generally working except the GPS.  I have the MediaTek connected to the GPS port (the connector) and the GPS blue light (on the GPS) is getting a lock but I am unable to print any of the GPS data.  After the calibration step there is no blue led activity on the IMU.


#define PRINT_GPS 1

#define PRINT_BINARY 0

#define GPS_PROTOCOL 4

#define GPS_CONNECTION (tried both 0 & 1) and neither works.


I do have the FTDI cable connected.  Is the FTDI cable connected a problem or am I missing something else?  If that is the problem is it possble to use the FTDI cable and GPS at the same time?

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  • #define PRINT_BINARY 1

    #define GPS_CONNECTION 0

    work for me :) , 

    but blue led stil blinking, gps cant lock ? (gps data working fine at tester)
    need help....

    thanks :)


    hardware EM-411 + Arduimu V3

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