ArduIMU v3: MTK GPS Solution is not Recognized

Hello, I am having some issue with the GPS connection on the ArduIMU v3 board.  I have researched several discussion boards, but have not been able to resolve the issue. 

I have a working MediaTek GPS with firmware version 1.6 installed.  I can connect directly to the MediaTek (not using the ArduIMU v3 board) and I get the NMEA data stream at 38400 baud.  I get the standard $GPGGA, $GPRMC, etc sentences at 1Hz which provide accurate time and location.

When I connect the GPS to the ArduIMU v3 board I cannot get the GPS information to stream out of the board.  When I observe the com port output, I notice that I am continuously getting the message to put the device into binary mode, and it just doesn't seem to take the message


Here are the pertinent defaults that I'm using:





I've tried changing the GPS_PROTOCOL to 1, 4 and 5 where:

#if   GPS_PROTOCOL == 1
AP_GPS_NMEA       GPS(&Serial);
#elif GPS_PROTOCOL == 4
AP_GPS_MTK         GPS(&Serial);
#elif GPS_PROTOCOL == 5
AP_GPS_MTK16     GPS(&Serial);


Other items to note are that the Red and Blue LED's on the ArduIMU v3 board seem to be inop.  Maybe I have the incorrect pin-out for them, but according to the Eagle Sketch, I believe they should be digital pins 5 and 6.  I'm not a real strong programmer and that could be an issue, but I've only modified the setup portion of the Arduimu sketch, and shouldn't have broken anything in there.  I've used both versions 1.9 and 1.98 and it results in the same outcome.

Any suggestion is welcome.  Thanks

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  • Oops, the ADS.ino file is empty but don't need it.  Just copy the remaining 5 and compile with Arduino 1.0.1  and open up the serial monitor to view results.

    Removed as much code as I could to simplify this. This is ONLY for Arduimu V3, using magnetometer and MTK GPS.

    It outputs comma delimited roll, pitch, yaw and also GPS time, lat, long, etc when available.  The blinking RED LED indicates that it is running on the loop. If have GPS lock, the blue LED will stay lit. 

    The roll and pitch should work ok.  The yaw will work but since it is not calibrated, it will not indicate +-90 degrees when you rotate it by that amount.

    I'm using the MTK16 unit, you may need to try the MTK if that does not work for you.  If you have another GPS then modify the serial command for the GPS.

    Good Luck!

  • Here's the last 3




  • Hi, this works for me.  First 3 of 6 files.



  • I am getting the same problem. GPS connected I get a goog sentence followed by a bunch of binary output, repeat. Disconnect the GPS and it goes back to sending data correctly. Any thoughts on what is going on?



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