ArduIMU !!!VER:1.9,TOW:0***

Hi, Im testing the ArduIMU v3 with the MT3329(w adapter) gps.

The euler angles work just fine, it's the GPS data thai isn't getting through despite the gps having a fix. 

All I keep geting is:


If I put it in binary mode and decode the messages the angles still work but i get absolutely no 

number 0x03 messages. Any ideas?

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  • Hello, I'm seeing the same issue with the unit I just got over the weekend.  Did you get it figured out?  I'm starting to think I there is something wrong with the Rx line on the board...  The GPS is producing a good Solution with 38400 baud NMEA messages when I connect an FTDI to the IN/Out solder through pins next to the GPS header.  I'm also have an issue with the Red and Blue LEDs .  They fail to light even when using this simple sketch:


    #include <FastSerial.h> // ArduPilot Fast Serial Library
    #define RED_LED_PIN 5
    #define BLUE_LED_PIN 6
    void setup() {
       pinMode(RED_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // red led
       pinMode(BLUE_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // blue led
    void loop() {
       digitalWrite(RED_LED_PIN, HIGH);
       digitalWrite(BLUE_LED_PIN, LOW);
       while (Serial.available() > 0) {
           digitalWrite(RED_LED_PIN, LOW);
           digitalWrite(BLUE_LED_PIN, HIGH);


  • Hi

    i used the code :

    and its working f9 with that ...check ur gps is connected properly or not ....

    do u get heading change of 90 degrees on turning the arduino board by 90 degrees....???

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