ArduIMU+ArduPilot+2 Servos = 3,7 v ?

Yello people!

What I want:
I want to build a system with power supply. For avionix one and for engine other.

What I have:
ArduIMU flat v2 code 1.7:
ArduPilot v2 code 1.6:
ArduShield v2:
2 servos

And power supply:
LiPo 6Ahr/3,7 v

Then I've soldered all modules I have aproblem. Some time servos dosn't reflet for IMU change position.
And If I tern it on fist time everything works ok.
But then I push restart or power off/on - the servous dosnt reflect for imu change position.

Why it happens?
Should servos reflect with IMU whithout GPS lock?
Do I correct power supply?
Is power 3,7 v enougt for it config?

Thanx for any answers/comments

Yellow circle - pin 13 is off on Ardupilot

Red circle - "Mux" led isn't on - is it ok?




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