ArduimuMega firmware 2.1.2 Init Gyro

When performing IMU test using the terminal it goes to:

Init Gyro************************************** (CLI mode)


(FLY mode) The firmware 2.1.2 compiles correctly, but when I run the firmware prints the message:

Init Gyro**************************************

the firmware only works by removing with // the line in the form system.pde

 imu.init (IMU:: COLD_START);

I think the problem is the calibration of the gyro in AP_IMU_Oilpan.cpp and/or AP_IMU_Oilpan.h how to solve this problem?
The error is with all firmware versions, from 2.XX

version 1.X is OK



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  • I am having a similar problem. Testing the gyro shows no response in any direction but the corresponding ADC values seem to change with movement.

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