Arduopilot tuning for Rookis,

Arduopilot tuning for Rookis,I now have the arduopilot into my Maja system installed and first testsmadeNow I still have problems :1 . If the aircraft is in auto mode, if it turns, it makes the turn too long!2 . the aircraft is flying too slowly3 . The elevator is going up when i switch into auto modecan you tell me what parameters I must cangeThanks for your helpPeterVideo

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  • Hello,

    Yes ! it turns past the desired heading

    i will try changing AIRSPEED CENTRAL

    Yes ! when i switch from Manuell to RTL and waypoint the elevator move up

    The catapult is selfmade

    Thanks for your help
  • Developer
    @Peter - your video doesn't help with answering your questions. We need more information.

    1 - What do you mean "it makes the turns to long"? Do you mean it turns past the desired heading, or the turn radius is too large, or something else?

    2 - Try changing AIRSPEED_CENTRAL and throttle_absolute

    3 - When you switch into auto mode do you mean RTL mode or waypoint mode?
  • Admin
    Hi Peter,
    The catapult angled little upwards will help. For some reason the power seems missing both in catapult and the model
  • Admin

    Did you build the catapult yourself or is it a commerical catapult?

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