Ardupilot 2.5 loss of throtle control

Flying my quadcopter in basic stabilise mode it kept rapidly gaining height but responded to the  throttle.

It was a little windy and I thought that may have been part of the problem .

I then picked a calm day and test flew it in the garden in stabilise mode.Initial stable hover  then sudden climb responded to throttle though and touched down at about 1/3rd throttle . Then the really worrying bit no throttle response . I couldnt even  disarm it . I tried switching the TX off which should on the Spektrum have shut the throttle as a failsafe . In the end I had to reach past the spinning props and diconnect the battery .Could have been very dangerous if it had locked on a higher throttle opening leading to out of sight climb then............

I used the reset button tested it and it now flies OK BUT could it happen again! 


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  • Have you looked at the logs?

    Another help in analyzing this would be to turn on the 'motors' logging via the CLI. This records the individual motor drive values. You use Mission Planner to pull the logs. If not familiar with the process, read THIS from the Wiki.

    Are you using a bonafide Spektrum/JR receiver? There have been some reports of issues with 'orange' receivers.

    Until your confidence is settled, you could try flying with a tether of light braided twine or cord....just in case.


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