Ardupilot 2.5 mission scripting

I've seen the following in the Ardupilot 2.5 documentation:


- Programmable 3D waypoints; return-to-launch mode, in-flight resetability, fully programmable actions at waypoint and totally expandableboard.

New in 2.5:

- Scriptable missions

What exactly do these statements mean?

Specifically I'm waiting for the Ardupilot Mega for the Outback UAV Challenge and the new preliminary rules for the device failsafe (when you lose telemetry radio contact) is that the UAV must fly to a 're-connect' waypoint and loiter there for 2 minutes to allow you to recover contact, and failing that return to the airport so you can land the UAV. Now I know that the Ardupilot can return to launch but I need to know if it can be made to fly to one point in the event of telemetry loss and then to another point after a certain amount of time. Of course 2 way telemetry isn't currently possible but will be with the mega.

If it can't do these things I suppose we're going to have to try to program them in, I just haven't been able to find out what 'Scriptable missions' actually is, after searching for it here.


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  • Thanks for the help guys sounds like it's going to work fine. Now I just need to get my hands on one for testing :P
  • Developer
    Sure, that would be easy. In the events.pde file you'll see a bunch of functions. There is a failsafe function and a waypoint function. You just need to put some logic in there to handle the events your talking about.

    There is also an elapsed time variable. That's yours to use and reset to zero when needed. Just check the time with every main loop event and if it's greater than 2000 milliseconds, move on by changing the flight control_mode.
  • Developer
    Scriptable missions in ArduPilot means that there are locations in the software where it is fairly easy to program in the types of things you are talking about.

    For Mega, probably the functionality will be available without programming. Rather than a series of waypoints we are looking at implementing a series of commands. One of which could be fly to waypoint X. Another might be Loiter for 2 min at location Y.
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