

 For my peace of mind does the ArduPilot  auto navigation work in the south hemisphere. (My Eagle Tree had a problem in the southern
hemisphere when I first bought it)


I have been trying to get my ArduPilot going for 2 weeks .

Every thing works except the Auto navigation.

Stabilized mode      -  OK

Fly by Wire A & B -  OK

RTL OK  works from all directions

Telemetry show GPS positions are tracking OK

I have set way points over 200 meters apart.

I have used a standard configuration file


When Auto Flying it seems to be going in random directions.


What can I check for to identify where my problem is???

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  • Developer
    It should work in the southern hemisphere. Of course there could be a bug. However, if it is really going in random directions it is probably not a "southern hemisphere" bug. If there is such a bug it would likely do something like try to go directly away from a waypoint instead of directly to it.
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