Ardupilot board won't reset

I have been trying to get the code loaded on my board and for some reason the board does not reset when loading the code.  Could this be a problem with the bootloader?  I ordered a new board (think i fried the first one), and everything else seems to be working. Does anyone know when to push the reset button while trying to load the code?


P.S.  Do i need to have all the components connected (IMU,GPS) for the code to load to the board, or can i just try loading the code on the board and connect everything else later?  Using version 2 for IMU and with a shield.

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  • 3D Robotics
    This is the original ArduPilot board? (not APM) If so, the problem may be your FTDI cable. It's supposed to send that reset signal on the RTS pin, if memory serves.
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6 hours ago