As I see, the current AP code development for Easy Star only.
Only 2 questions:
1. Which config parameters I need to change to use AP for another airframe?
2. How to calculate this parameters? (I think those parameters will depend per each airftame)
Thanx for any advises
#define MIXING_MODE 0 //Servo mixing mode 0 = Normal, 1 = Elevons (or v tail)
#define REVERSE_ROLL 1 // To reverse roll, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_PITCH 1 // To reverse pitch, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_RUDDER 1 // To reverse rudder for 4 channel control setups
#define REVERSE_ELEVONS 1 // Use 1 for regular, -1 if you need to reverse roll direction
#define REVERSE_CH1_ELEVON -1 // To reverse channel 1 elevon servo, PUT -1 to reverse it
#define REVERSE_CH2_ELEVON 1 // To reverse channel 2 elevon servo, PUT -1 to reverse it
// Airplane speed control
#define AIRSPEED_CRUISE 25 // meters/s : Speed to try and maintain - You must set this value even without an airspeed sensor!
#define AIRSPEED_RATIO 0.1254 // If your airspeed is under-reporting, increase this value to something like .2
// NOTE - The range for throttle values is 0 to 125
// NOTE - For proper tuning the THROTTLE_CRUISE value should be the correct value to produce AIRSPEED_CRUISE in straight and level flight with your airframe
#define THROTTLE_MIN 0 // (0-100) raise it if your plane falls to quickly when decending.
#define THROTTLE_CRUISE 45 // (0-100) Default throttle value - Used for central value.
#define THROTTLE_MAX 75 // (0-100) example: 70 = 56% throttle (lower this if your plane is overpowered)
// For use in Fly By Wire B mode in meters per second
#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MIN 6 // meters/s : Minimum airspeed for Fly By Wire mode B, throttle stick at bottom
#define AIRSPEED_FBW_MAX 30 // meters/s : Maximum airspeed for Fly By Wire mode B, throttle stick at top
#define XTRACK_GAIN 10 // Amount to compensate for crosstrack (degrees/100 per meter)
#define XTRACK_ENTRY_ANGLE 3000 // Max angle used to correct for track following degrees*100
//ATTITUDE: ROLL GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
// IMPORTANT!! Servo Gain values will be 100 times less than equivalent gains for ArduPilot 2.5
#define SERVO_ROLL_P .004 // Primary value to tune - overall proportional term determines how much rudder/aileron you use to turn
#define SERVO_ROLL_I .00 // roll PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define SERVO_ROLL_D .00 // roll PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define SERVO_ROLL_INT_MAX 500 // Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
#define ROLL_SLEW_LIMIT 0 // Use to limit slew rate of roll servo. If zero then slew rate is not limited
// Value is degree per second limit
//ATTITUDE: PITCH GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
//IMPORTANT!! Servo Gain values will be 100 times less than equivalent gains for ArduPilot 2.5
#define SERVO_PITCH_P .005 // Pitch Proportional gain
#define SERVO_PITCH_I .0 // Pitch integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define SERVO_PITCH_D .0 // Pitch derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define SERVO_PITCH_INT_MAX 500 // Maximum integrator value in degrees * 100
#define PITCH_COMP .20 // Pitch compensation vs. Roll bank angle.
// NOTE!! The implementation of pitch compensation has been changed.
// The optimal value for your airframe will likely differ between 2.5 and 2.6
// IMPORTANT!! Servo Gain values will be 100 times less than equivalent gains for ArduPilot 2.5
#define SERVO_RUDDER_P .000 // Primary value to tune - overall proportional term determines how much rudder you use to coordinate turn
#define SERVO_RUDDER_I .0 // roll PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define SERVO_RUDDER_D 0.0 // roll PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define SERVO_RUDDER_INT_MAX 500 //Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
#define RUDDER_MIX 0.5
//NAV: ROLL GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
#define NAV_ROLL_P .7 // Primary value to tune - overall proportional term determines how aggressively we bank to change heading
#define NAV_ROLL_I .01 // roll PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define NAV_ROLL_D .02 // roll PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define NAV_ROLL_INT_MAX 500 // Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
//NAV: PITCH GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_P .65 // Overall proportional term determines how aggressively we change pitch to maintain airspeed
#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_I .0 // PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_D 0.0 // PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define NAV_PITCH_ASP_INT_MAX 500 // Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_P .65 // Overall proportional term determines how aggressively we change pitch to maintain airspeed
#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_I .0 // PID integrator gain (value should generally be low)
#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_D 0.0 // PID derivative gain (for advanced users - should be zero for most airframes)
#define NAV_PITCH_ALT_INT_MAX 500 // Maximium integrator value in degrees * 100
//ENERGY HEIGHT: THROTTLE OUTPUT GAINS [Start with changes of no more than 25% at a time]
#define THROTTLE_TE_P .50 // Proportional
#define THROTTLE_TE_I .0 // Integrator
#define THROTTLE_TE_D .0 // Derivative
#define THROTTLE_TE_INT_MAX 20 // (0-100) Integrator limit.
#define THROTTLE_SLEW_LIMIT 0 // Use to limit slew rate of throttle output. If zero then slew rate is not limited
// Value is throttle value (0-100) per second limit
#define P_TO_T 2.5 // Pitch to Throttle feedforward gain (used when no airspeed sensor)
#define THROTTLE_ALT_P .32 //Proportional
#define THROTTLE_ALT_I .04 //Integrator
#define THROTTLE_ALT_D 0.0 //Derivative
#define THROTTLE_ALT_INT_MAX 20 // (0-100) Integrator limit.
//Note: Some Gains are now variables
#define HEAD_MAX 4500 // deg * 100 : The maximum commanded bank angle (left and right) degrees*100
#define PITCH_MAX 1500 // deg * 100 : The maximum commanded pitch up angle degrees*100
#define PITCH_MIN -2500 // deg * 100 : The maximum commanded pitch down angle degrees*100
#define LOITER_RADIUS 40 // meters : radius in meters of a Loiter
// Auto launch and land
#define TAKE_OFF_ALT 75 // meters. Altitude below which take-off controls apply
#define TAKE_OFF_PITCH 25 // degrees : Pitch value to hold during take-off
#define LAND_PITCH 15 // degrees : Pitch value to hold during landing
#define AIRSPEED_SLOW 5 // meters/s
#define THROTTLE_SLOW 20 // 0-100 : This should be the throttle value that produces AIRSPEED_SLOW in straight and level flight
#define SLOW_RADIUS 60 // meters : When this becomes the current waypoint we will decrease airspeed_cruise to AIRSPEED_SLOW. Replace 999 with the beginning of your landing pattern
#define THROTTLE_CUT_RADIUS 40 // meters : When this becomes the current waypoint we will cut the throttle; set it so it is well beyond the touchdown zone so that it is not reached, else you will enter RTL mode or loop waypoints
How to calculate a optimal parameters for new airframe (not Easy Star)?