Ardupilot Jitters

I have been using a standard Ardupilot on my easystar with a HiTec receiver and Tx at 72Mhz. Not at first but lately the system is loosing range capability. With Ardupilot installed w/or w/o shield and imu installed the servos will get the jitters starting at 6 ft antenna down or 50ft with Tx antenna up. Without Ardupilot I can fly as far as I can see the plane. At first I thought this might be due to a software issue but everything appears to function correctly in any mode configuration at close range. Now I am suspecting a signal weakening component on the board but which one? Anyone with any ideas please feel free to jump in! Happy Days.

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  • How close is your receiver to your ardupilot, and all the other boards? On 72 Mhz, electronic interference is much more common so I might try moving the receiver and antenna as far away from any other electronics as possible (especially from the motor). It could also be something in the area where you are flying so I'd try checking those things first.
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