Ardupilot Legacy (Red Board) and ArduIMU v3

Can someone walk me through the setup of the legacy Ardupilot (red board from sparkfun) and arduIMU v3? from the box to the plane. everything from all connections needed to be soldered to code for both the ardupilot and the arduIMU v3 so that they actually work together and the servos move to compensate for the movement of the IMU? Im having wicked problems trying to get it to work even from the basic code that i've found on other walk-throughs. When the IMU is moved nothing changed on the servos but there is random movement from the servos and I've broken 3 servos now trying to get it to work. All i want to have working is the manul mode and the stabilization. I don't care for the gps way-points as of right now. Ive got a 6 channel receiver, the Ardupilot legacy red board, and the Arduimu v3. No gps.

Here's what ive gotten thus far;

I can hook up the arudIMU v3 to the computer and see the movement in the IMU testing software, but alas, its not working with the Ardupilot. I could diagnose whats going on with it with you guys but I have Zero knowledge with Arduino code so I would much rather get code that is known to be working with my setup and go from there. I'll fix gains and tune it as i go but its not working AT ALL right now.

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  • So let me see if I understand, if I'm only getting the roll stabilization reversed but manual is right, I only need to reverse the output of the IMU on the roll axis right? where in the output pde would i add the negatives to reverse the roll value?

    Sorry for all the questions

  • So can someone help me or not? I spent Multiple days sorting through forums and discussions on the link. FYI most of them are not for the original board, they're for the Mega series which is no help to me.

    • Does anyone have the original code/manuals for the ardupilot (legacy)? I lost all of it when my laptop's hard drive died and they are no longer up online
  • Yes I have, I have read more forum discussions than I care to for my lifetime haha
  • Admin


    Have you thoroughly read this Discussion Forum to help answer your questions:


    TCIII Admin

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