Here is my project:e-savage rc truck framephidget 8 rc pulse boardardupilot 406 gps no shieldhp mini 1000 pcRaven x cellular modemMy plan is to control my truck via the web and have it hit waypoints via ardupilot. Real time telemetry will be sent via ftdi cable plugged into laptop.Question 1: does anyone have code examples for a working ardupilot ground project?Question 2: I'm still confused about the serial port. Will I get real time telemetry via an ftdi USB cable while the gps is plugged in and getting fixes?
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If I add a connection lead to my battery input on the ardupilot board, will the voltage be read even if I keep the power coming from the servos? I like the board being powered from the servo's but I need a way to have realtime telemetry passed back to my remote control station before I kill my lipo and I'm hoping this could be my solution. Thanks

Also here is some pictures updating my project