Ardupilot XY sensor orientation

I have been having a few problems with stability in my ardupilot setup and so i have been investigating the xy sensor setup. I was surprised to read that in recent code releases it is ok to setup the xy sensor in a diagonal configuration because there appears to be nothing in the code to adjust reading for this setup. There is just the REVERSE_X_SENSOR constant.So is the best setup to run the xy sensor cable forward, which places the IR sensors in a diagonal configuration?I had been running with the IR sensors aligned forward/back with the lead coming off at an angle, but the weather is too bad this week to test the new alignment with cable running forward.Sorry for the noob nature of this question, but different pictures show different setups.Thanks,Bill

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  • Thank you all, i thought i was being thick, just good to clarify my stupidity!

    I look forward to testing everything on the next suitable flying day :-)
  • 3D Robotics
    Bill, as others have pointed out, we only support the sensors in the diagonal position, with the cable facing either forward or back. This is so none of the sensors's views are obscured by the plane's tail or body. This has been the case since the earliest release of the 2.x code.
  • Developer
    The code reads the sensors at 45° angle only.

    I would assume your plane has a bad connection to the sensor or Center of Gravity issues.
  • Admin

    Have you read the latest release of the Ardupilot Manual?

    In the Aircraft Integration section you will find the following paragraph:

    "The sensors:

    Use velcro or double-stick tape to put the sensors on the outside of the EasyStar body. Here's where I put mine. I just use an Xacto knife to carve a little flat spot in the foam where the XY and GPS modules go. I mount the XY in the diagonal position as shown in the picture, with the cable facing forward. The Z goes on the side, taking care to ensure that its view of the ground and sky is not obtructed by the wing when it's in place."

    Just a thought.

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